Members Give Nod to Appointment of County and Sub_county Hospital Committes

Members of the County Assembly have unequivocally given a go ahead to the appointment of committee members in the County and Sub County Hospitals in line with section 9(2) of the Kirinyaga County Health Service Act (2016). Below are persons who have been approved to serve in various Hospital Committees.

Busy Day as Members Vet Four Nominees to Various Positions in the County Public Service

The Committee on appointments which is headed by Assembly Speaker Hon. Muteti Murimi, spent the better part of the day vetting Ms. Caroline Kinyua for position of County Attorney.

Caroline, a legal practitioner par excellence, has a Master of Laws LLM degree from the University of Nairobi which was attained in the year 2017. She has also pursued a Bachelor’s degree in law from the same university besides attaining a Diploma from the Kenya School of Law and thereafter, admitted to the Bar in the year 2018.

The nominee has worked as a civil litigation assistant at the International Justice Mission and currently holds the position of County Attorney since 2019.

The Office of the County attorney is established pursuant to the Office of the County Attorney act of 2020 which prescribes a six-year term for the office holder.

Eleven Informal Settlements across the County set for upgrade as Members Approve a Ten-Year Land use Development Plan

Residents from eleven informal settlement schemes which are spread across various Wards can now breath a sigh of relief after Members yesterday approved a ten-year land use development plan. Kiburu, Kagumo, Kamuiru, Rwambiti and Githogondo informal settlement schemes, will now form part of the beneficiaries of the ten-year land use development plan.
Others are Ndindiruku, Mukinduri, Kibirigwi, Kiangoma, Kimunye and Ithareni informal settlement schemes which are spread in various parts of the County.

Committee On Medical Services Public Health & Sanitation Concludes Approval Hearings For Nominees Appointed To Serve As Hospital Management Committee Members

The vetting of nominees appointed to serve as members of the hospital management committees entered its second and final day today.  The day long excercise  saw the Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation Committee vet thirteen nominees appointed to sit in the Kianyaga and Kimbimbi sub county hospital committees.  The commitee sitting was chaired by the vice-chair of the Medical Services commitee Hon. Grace Kamau.

Hon.Charles Nyamu Raises Questions on The Utilization Of K-WASH Grant

Murinduko ward MCA Hon. Charles Nyamu has  raised questions on the floor of the assembly concerning  the work plan and  the utilization of the  K-WASH Grant  of Kshs 366,729,808 as appropriated in the 2024/2025 financial year budget.

Hon. Nyamu asked for a detailed workplan  from the CEC member for Environment, Water and Natural  Resources indicating the activities, programs involved and the distribution of beneficiaries of these programs in the various wards.

MCAs Approve Appointment Of Key Nomines

MCAs have approved the appointment of several nominees to various crucial positions in the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Medical Services.

Among those whose appointment was approved  is Mr. Titus Zebedee Maina Gatua who has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Kirinyaga County Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training Centre Board of Management.

Mr. Gatua’s suitability for the role was vetted by the committee on Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Services that is chaired by Hon. James Njiru Wambu and a report tabled on the floor of the house. Hon. Wambu in his remarks to the debate on the motion expressed confidence in Mr. Gatua’s ability citing his extensive experience, leadership skills and community involvement as qualities that stood out for Mr. Gatua.

Assembly Approves The Appointment of MR.Robert Githinji Njagi as The Chairperson of the Rura; and Urban Affordable Housing Commitee

Members of the County Assembly have approved the appointment of Mr. Robert Githinji Njagi as the chairperson of the Rural and Urban Affordable Housing Committee.

The Rural and Urban Affordable Housing Committee is established pursuant to Section 34 of the Affordable Housing Act, 2024 and is mandated to develop a framework for the attainment of affordable housing, advise the Governor on affordable housing programmes in the county as well as develop programmes for affordable housing investments. The committee is also tasked with assessing the trends, status, demand and supply of affordable housing in the county.