Persons living with disability will soon enjoy enhanced privileges once a Bill, currently in drafting stage, is debated and adopted by Members of the County Assembly.
One of the proposals in the envisaged Bill is to establish the Kirinyaga County Board for Persons Living with Disabilities which will be headed by a Chairperson who will be appointed by the Governor and approved by MCAs.
The Bill will also recommend hefty penalties for any person or entity who discriminates against people living with disability. All architectural plans together with transport facilities in Kirinyaga County will henceforth incorporate the needs of people living with disability once the Bill becomes law.
Unscrupulous individuals who propagate to be disabled for purposes of reaping economic benefits meant for people with special needs will moving forward be punished once Governor Waiguru gives concurrence to the Bill.
Hon. Beatrice Mitaru and Hon. Harrison Kariuki both of whom represent the interests of PLWDs, have been steadfast in advocating better terms of engagement and recognition for this segment of the population.
Kirinyaga County has more than 35,000 people living with different forms of disability many of whom live in deplorable conditions ranging from discrimination and lack of access to physical facilities.
The joint committee on Gender and Delegated Legislation chaired by both Hon. Benson Ngahu and David Kinyua Wangui was today working on the final touches of the much awaited disability Bill which is expected to be tabled on the floor of the house in the coming days.