Members of the County Assembly have welcomed the CBROP report which is prepared in line with section 118 of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act of 2012.
While presenting the report in a plenary session this morning, the Budget Chairperson and Kiini ward MCA Hon. Geoffrey Gakuru observed that the County’s own source revenue recorded a 61 percent growth to reach Kes. 587 million in the last financial year.
This was partly attributed to the County’s aggressive revenue mobilization initiatives and revenue automation measures undertaken during the year under review.
The Kiini Ward MCA further observed that the County Government was able to absorb 99 percent of recurrent expenditure amounting to Kes. 4.8 billion even as development expenditure recorded a 74 percent absorption rate amounting to Kes. 1.6 billion.
While giving his sentiments to the report, Mutithi Ward MCA who also doubles up as the Deputy Speaker of the County Assembly Hon. Jinaro Njamumo, urged the County Executive Committee Member in charge of Finance to identify challenges facing various revenue collection segments in the County.
This he said would help the County achieve revenue target which has been set at Kes. 600 million this fiscal year. He also urged the concern revenue department to re-evaluate the working condition of cess collectors who he suggested should work in shifts and ensure 24-hour collection as opposed to the current arrangement where staff cease collecting revenue after 5PM.
The Deputy Speaker also advised the County Public Service Board (CPSB) to stick to the provisions of the PFM act which gives guidelines on the extent of recurrent expenditure noting that arbitrary hiring of workers could affect the principal objects of devolution.
Nyangati Ward MCA and Chairperson of the finance committee in the County Assembly Hon. Kenneth Mwendia, was optimistic that the devolved unit would surpass revenue targets especially now that the Assembly has passed the Kirinyaga County Inspectorate and enforcement act of 2023. “The enforcement act together with the finance act of 2023 will give the executive the necessary legal framework to mop up revenue and there is no doubt that the anticipated targets will be achieved” Hon. Mwendia said.
Inoi Ward MCA Hon. Fredrick Maina advised the concern CECM to expand the revenue base so as to realize targets which will be instrumental in spearheading development at the grassroots.
In the meantime, members continued to debate the state of the County Address with Njukiini Ward MCA Hon. Timothy Kariuki, impressed by the Governor’s intention of giving title deeds to residents domiciled in colonial villages across the County.
Other members who contributed to the Governor’s address include Hon. Lydia Muriithi, Hon. Fredrick Maina, Hon. Jinaro Njamumo with Hon. Susan Ndirangu thanking the Governor for prioritizing the welfare of farmers in Kirinyaga.

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