The Assembly’s committee on Lands and Physical Planning which is chaired by Tebere Ward MCA Hon. Peter Karinga, today vetted three individuals whose names were forwarded to the Assembly for approval as Members of the Kerugoya – Kutus Municipality Board.
Mr. Dickson Kinyua Ngari, Mr. Timothy Njeru Thiaka and Reverend Grace Wambui Kamwagire took the hot seat where they were expected to justify reasons as to why they are suitable candidates for the job.
The committee heard that Mr. Dickson Kinyua Ngari has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business Administration from Kampala International University. He also has a wide range of work experience in both Private and Public sectors with the latest engagement being a Director at the Kirinyaga Water and Sanitation Company (KIRIWASCO).
Mrs. Grace Wambui Kamwagire has a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Trinity Episcopal School in the USA and is currently serving as a Reverend with the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK).
Mr. Timothy Njeru Thiaka who has been a career Civil servant with the department of Agriculture and Livestock, has a Diploma in Dairy Technology which was attained at Egerton University. He has also pursued a senior management course and a supervisory certificate course from Kirinyaga University and Kenya School of Government respectively.
Mr. Dickson Kinyua promised to prioritize operationalization of the drainage system alongside addressing the chaotic transport system in the Municipality even as his counterpart Mr. Timothy Njeru, promised a 24-hour economy at Kutus once officially appointed. The only female nominee Mrs. Grace Kamwagire, promised to prioritize setting up of a library once given a chance.
The Municipal board is established pursuant to the Urban areas and Cities act of 2011 and has specific roles of controlling land use and sub-division, land development and zoning by public and private sectors and preparation of annual budget estimates to the relevant County Treasury for consideration by the County Assembly for approval inter alia.
The committee is expected to deliberate suitability of the candidates and generate a report for adoption or rejection by Members of the County Assembly.

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