Speaker of the County Assembly Hon. Muteti Murimi, urged members to fast-track the deliberations as they form part of the budget making process. He also commended members for tirelessly working towards passage of key bills within record time.

“I wish to thank you for the continued good work which has seen passage of 8 Bills within a very short time. I urge various departmental committees to liase with their respective County Executive Committee members so that we come up with regulations which will guide implementation of enacted Bills” Hon. Muteti told members.

Chairpersons of various Assembly committees are expected to coordinate review of sector priorities and make recommendations to the committee on budget and appropriation for inclusion into the final CFSP report.

Budget Chair and Kiini Ward MCA Hon. Geoffrey Gakuru whose committee is responsible for analysis of the CFSP, noted that the document is an integral part of the budget making process as it specifies strategic priorities which guide the County Government in preparing annual budgets.

The County Fiscal Strategy Paper is prepared in line with section 177 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) together with the PFMA regulations No. 25 – 28 of 2015 and it provides the basis for preparation of budget estimates in any particular fiscal yea