Members of the County Assembly have approved the Kirinyaga Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training Center Bill, 2023. The bill which was read a third time today and given a nod by the majority aims at creating a legal foundation for the establishment and administration of an Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training Center for the county.
Moving the motion, the Chairperson of the Agriculture, Livestock, Veterinary and Fisheries Committee Hon. James Njiru Wambu of Kangai ward highlighted the importance of the bill in spurring agricultural productivity in the county as it seeks to foster innovation, collaboration, and excellence in modern agricultural practices within Kirinyaga.
In his remarks to the debate Tebere ward MCA Hon. Peter Karinga lauded the committee for coming up with the comprehensive legislation and conducting extensive consultation with stakeholders including a site visit to the Kirinyaga Agricultural Training Center ( Kamweti) which though the bill will now be renamed Kirinyaga Agricultural Technical and Vocational Training Education Training Center.
Hon. Caroline Muriithi in her remarks to the debate noted that enactment of the law is poised to improve the potential and training outcomes for the center as it emphasizes the importance of coordinating with the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) for maintaining high standards and also establishes clear standards for training programs and mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.
MCAs who spoke in support of the bill commended the committee for coming up with the law. A velum copy of the bill will be transmitted to H.E. the Governor Anne Waiguru for assent.
The session also saw the assembly host a second batch of students from Kavote Secondary School who were on a study tour to learn more on devolution and the operations of the County Assembly. The students interacted with the MCAs who took time to share their experiences and offer a word of encouragement.