The Speaker of the County Assembly Hon. Muteti Murimi today held a meeting with the Political Counselor at the United States Embassy Mr. Tim Trenkle and the Internal Affairs Unit Chief Mr. Cameron Jones who a paid courtesy call on him in his office.
The Mr. Trenkle led delegation held talks with the County Assembly leadership on strengthening collaboration with the United States and opportunities for partnership with the assembly.
In his remarks Mr. Trenkle pointed out that he was impressed by the progress of the county in terms of development and commended the assembly for enacting enabling legislation and sound policies for the development of the county. He expressed his desire to work with the assembly to make devolution work for the benefit of the people of Kirinyaga.
The Speaker Hon. Muteti commended the US- Kenya relations particularly in supporting devolution, gender equality and advancing economic prosperity. He committed to continue promoting strategic partnerships with the United States through the Kenyan Embassy for the benefit of the people of Kirinyaga.
Also present in the meeting was the Deputy Speaker Hon. Jinaro Njamumo, the Majority Party Leader Hon. Daniel Muriithi Kibinga and the Clerk of the County Assembly Mr. Kamau Aidi.