The MCA for Kerugoya Ward Hon. Eric Muchina on Tuesday in the afternoon session raised concerns over the recruitment process for the positions of Finance and Resource Manager and the Human Resource and Adminstration  Manager at the Kirinyaga Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.

He sought to be furnished with the list of shortlisted candidates along with their qualifications, interview reports for the two positions and the qualifications of the successful candidates including annexures of their certificates and testimonials.

The question was reffered to the Commitee on Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

In a separate question, Hon. Muchina sought clarity from the CECM  for Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation on the justification and procedures followed by the hospital management of Kerugoya County Referral Hospital in deploying casual workers as security guards, the rationale behind the hospital management’s decision to discontinue the engagement of the security guards and contract a private firm, the total cost incurred by the hospital management in contracting the private firm and a comparison report of the cost of contracting the private firm versus the cost of retaining the previously engaged security guards.

The question was referred  to the Committee on Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation.

Questions are part of the assembly’s intiatives to conduct oversight and enhace accountability at the county County Government Of Kirinyaga.

Eric Muchina MCA kerugoya ward

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