The Committee on Public Service which is Chaired by Hon. Bernard Gichangi, took the better part of the day vetting the Governor’s nominees for positions of County Secretary and Chairperson of the County Public Service Board (CPSB).
Mr. Anthony Kimathi, the County Secretary nominee, was upbeat that once sworn into office, he will streamline the County Public Service which currently has more than 3,000 employees.
The nominee, who is currently serving as the Director of Early Childhood Education, further told the committee the he will be unwavering in promoting integrity and transparency in the County Public Service while also protecting National values as stipulated in article 10 of the Constitution.
The seasoned professional who also doubles up as a Certified Public Secretary, has a Master’s Degree in strategic management which was attained at Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Moi University.
In the meantime, Mr. Teddy Njeru Muchiri was also vetted for position of Chairperson of the County Public Service Board which fell vacant following the lapse of Mr. Kennedy Ngiabi’s tenure late last year.
The nominee, promised to be proactive in protecting the rights of the minority seeking job opportunities in the County. He also promised to fulfil his constitutional mandate which require the County Public Service Board to submit an annual report to the County Assembly.
Mr. Muchiri holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in clinical medicine from Mount Kenya University. He also holds a diploma in the same from Kisii University and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Health Economics and policy at the University of Nairobi.
The Position of Chairperson of the County Public Service Board is held for a nonrenewable term of six years while that of the County Secretary who doubles up as the head of the County Public Service, has no specific security of tenure as the duration of service is determined by the appointing authority.
Moving forward, the Committee on Public Service will draft a detailed report for Members to either adopt or decline before the aforementioned nominees are sworn into office.