Members of the County Assembly have this afternoon passed a motion that seeks to compel the Executive to set up an Education Information Management System (EIMS) which will make it efficient for the department of education to carry out its mandate.
Led by the Chairperson of the Education Committee who is also the Murinduko Ward MCA Hon. Charles Nyamu, Members urged the department of finance and economic planning to allocate resources towards commencement of the project in the next fiscal year.
Once in place, the technology will easily identify the teacher student ratio in all Early Childhood Education Centers and vocational training institutes across the County.
The system will also help monitor students’ performance alongside easing procurement processes for the department.
Several members contributed to the motion with Kanyekine Ward MCA, Hon. CPA Waziri Moses Maina, urging the committee on education to come up with a line budget for the project. His opinion was supported by Tebere Ward MCA Hon. Peter Karinga who said that the system will inform policy makers on teacher shortage in affected learning institutions thus the need for the commitee to formulate a budget for the system.
Other Members who contributed to the motion include Hon. Bernard Gichangi, Hon. Eric Muchina, Hon. David Mathenge, Hon. Fredrick Maina, Hon. Grace Kamau, Hon. Peter Njiru, Hon. James Wambu, Hon. Beatrice Mitaru, Hon. Jane Wangu with Hon. Harrison Bundi who represents people living with disability, noting that the system will help identify students with special needs hence inform policy makers on necessary steps to address their concerns.
Currently, Kirinyaga County has a total of 198 early childhood centers and 15 Youth Polytechnics which offer a variety of courses.