The Kirinyaga County Agricultural Technical and Vocational Training Centre Bill 2023 sailed through the second reading with support from the majority of MCAs.
The bill seeks to foster innovation, collaboration and excellence in modern agricultural practices within Kirinyaga by establishing the Kirinyaga Agricultural Training and Vocational Education Training Center.
The primary functions of the center will be to provide training on agricultural technologies, collaborating with stakeholders and disseminating practical skills relevant to modern agricultural practices.
The law which is spearheaded by the Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Services chaired by Kangai ward MCA Hon. James Wambu further establishes a fund and details the financial planning aspect for the center.
MCAs speaking in favour of the bill expressed confidence that the establishment of the center meant to enhance agricultural practices guarantees food security and economic stability seeing that agriculture is the backbone of our economy and contributes significantly to our GDP.
Several amendments were introduced to address concerns raised by MCAs in the scrutiny and the public during public participation particularly regarding the composition of the board of management to include people living with disability.
The afternoon session also saw the assembly host students from Kavote Secondary School in Karumandi ward who were on a study tour.The students also had a chance to interact with the Honourable members and the Speaker Hon. Muteti Murimi.